About Ahmad

About Me

My name is Ahmad Mageed, and I'm a Software Engineer in Silicon Valley (San Francisco Bay Area). This blog, the content and views expressed herein are my own and do not represent the thoughts, opinions, intentions, plans, or strategies of my employer.

This blog serves as my little corner of the web where I share my thoughts and experiences in the software industry.

Up until recently my bread and butter platform has been with Microsoft .NET, C#, and ASP.NET MVC. Nowadays I'm still focused on web development (full-stack) and try to stay up to date with relatively modern open source platforms, frameworks and libraries.

In my spare time I try to strike a healthy balance between mountain biking, casually playing games (XBOX), improving my Arabic, reading books, and hanging out with my lovely wife and son.

You can find me on Twitter, GitHub, and StackOverflow.

Why Software Ninjaneer?

The name behind my site is easily explained by the following formula:

Software + (Engineer * Ninja) = Software Ninjaneer

This can be mathematically proven, but I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Ninjas are awesome and require a high degree of discipline and practice to acquire their skills. I also happen to be a black-belt in To Shin Do.