Regextra Project

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Regextra is an open source .NET library built to address problems that are handily solved by regular expressions. One component of the library is the PassphraseRegex class, which aids in strong passphrase validation. Using a fluent API, a variety of common rules can be applied to produce a pattern that can be used to validate input. The regex produced is generic enough that it can be used on the back-end, or on the front-end via JavaScript (which this page demonstrates!).

A common question I've seen on StackOverflow is how to write code that enforces strong passphrase or password rules. Popular responses tend to tackle the problem by using a regex with look-aheads. I've seen this so much that I decided to have fun writing a solution that allowed people to produce regex patterns that would enforce such rules.


Refer to the wiki for more details on the API. The rest of this page demonstrates some examples of generated patterns that can be tested via the input form fields.


The following code generates a pattern to enforce a password of 8-25 characters that requires at least two lowercase letters in the range of a-z and numbers excluding those in the range of 0-4 (i.e., numbers in the 5-9 range are acceptable).

var builder = PassphraseRegex.With.MinLength(8)
                                  .IncludesRange('a', 'z')
                                  .ExcludesRange(0, 4);

PassphraseRegexResult result = builder.ToRegex();

if (result.IsValid)
    if (result.Regex.IsMatch(input))
        // passphrase meets requirements
        // passphrase is no good
    // check the regex parse exception message for the generated pattern

Try It!

Below are some validation goals, followed by the code used to produce the pattern. You can test the pattern out with your own input and the textbox's color will change based on the validity. All patterns reject leading and trailing whitespace.

Goal: accept input that contains any of the specified characters (a, b, c, 1, 2, 3).

var result = PassphraseRegex.That.IncludesAnyCharacters("abc123")

var pattern = result.Pattern;

Pattern: ^(?=.*[abc123])(?!^\s|.*\s$).+$

  • Valid: a, 1, f3
  • Invalid: x, z6, 9

Goal: reject input that contains any of the specified characters (a, b, c, 1, 2, 3).

var result = PassphraseRegex.That.ExcludesCharacters("abc123")

var pattern = result.Pattern;

Pattern: ^(?!.*[abc123])(?!^\s|.*\s$).+$

  • Valid: x, z6, 9
  • Invalid: a, f3, 2

Goal: accept input of length 2-6 that contains any of the characters in the range a-z.

var result = PassphraseRegex.With.MinLength(2)
                                 .IncludesRange('a', 'z')

var pattern = result.Pattern;

Pattern: ^(?=.*[a-z])(?!^\s|.*\s$).{2,6}$

  • Valid: ab, abc123, xyz
  • Invalid: a (too short), AB (case sensitive), 12, !@#, abcdefg (too long)

Goal: accept input that contains at least 2 occurrences of characters in the 0-9 range and excludes the characters !, @, #, and characters in the a-z range. The minimum length is set to 3 based on the number of rules specified, which are the Include/Exclude methods (WithMinimumOccurrenceOf isn't counted as a rule since it's a constraint applied to the IncludesRange rule).

    var result = PassphraseRegex.Which.ExcludesRange('a', 'z')
                                      .IncludesRange(0, 9)

    var pattern = result.Pattern;

Pattern: ^(?!.*[a-z])(?!.*[!@#])(?=.*[0-9].*[0-9])(?!^\s|.*\s$).{3,}$

  • Valid: 123, 8 % $9-4, A4 B5 (case sensitive)
  • Invalid: 0 (too short), ABC0 (minimum digit occurrence not met), a1b2, 123#

Goal: accept input that contains characters in the a-z and 0-9 ranges, with a maximum length of 8 characters, and a maximum of 3 consecutive identical characters. The minimum length is set to 2 based on the number of rules specified, which are the two Include methods (the Max* methods below aren't counted as rules).

var result = PassphraseRegex.With.MaxLength(8)
                                 .IncludesRange('a', 'z')
                                 .IncludesRange('0', '9')

var pattern = result.Pattern;

Pattern: ^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?!.*?(.)\1{3})(?!^\s|.*\s$).{2,8}$

  • Valid: a1, abc123, aaa1a (4 'a' characters total, but not more than 3 of them are consecutive)
  • Invalid: abcd12345 (too long), aaaa1 (exceeds max of 3 consecutive identical character constraint), abc (doesn't include any 0-9 characters)

Goal: accept input that doesn't contain "foo" anywhere in the text (regardless of case).

var result = PassphraseRegex.That.ExcludesText("foo")

var pattern = result.Pattern;

Pattern: ^(?!.*foo)(?!^\s|.*\s$).+$

  • Valid: a1, abc123, fizz
  • Invalid: foo (lowercase), FOO (uppercase), abcFoOxyz (mixed case)